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It's getting busier and busier with the blog. So time for a Instagram diary to bring you 
up to date again ;)

Lots of exciting projects are coming up like the one I can officially reveal to you today; 
I'm one of Metromode's newest bloggers with my very own section that will be published 
every monday! *doing a happy dance*

My section is called "Ask me anything"So for all your fashion and lifestyle questions, 
come to mama ;) Read it HERE.

And wanna follow me on Instagram? You can find me @linseysijmons

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Had my second meeting at Bjorn Borg and we came up with some awesome ideas!
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Like I told you before, I'm obsessed with kisses and red lips
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My iPhone was stolen last week... :( So say hello to my new little baby; the iPhone 5.
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Fooling around with my princess, Noa.
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Exciting trips are coming up! Next month to Bonaire and in June I'm going to Ibiza!
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My lovely Rudie wants to thank everybody for liking this picture on Instagram and Facebook.
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Ohhh Celine... Your torturing me with your beauty
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The Karl Alley cap-crew, haha ;)
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Enjoying the Dair fashion show front row.
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Getting my make up done at clothing line 10 Days, love it.
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Homemade whipped cream cappuccino 
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Very proud of my DIY hairdo :D It only took me 20 minutes!
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At the Xin Magazine launch in one of the most gorgeous hotels of Amsterdam; Amstel Hotel


  1. Gefeliciteerd dat je vanaf nu elke week in een tijdschrift staat! :D happy for you! xoxo

  2. Congratulations dear, you deserve it!

  3. Congrats with your success! oh.. and: I LOVE RUDIE!!!



  4. Thank you so much girls! That's so sweet :)

    xxx Linsey

  5. Very beautiful : styles, photos, blog !
